I want to blog. I feel the need to blog. I think that most of our family and friends would be interested in reading a Cliff and Casey Blog. However, my husband does not want to blog, my husband does not feel the need to blog. BUT, I am convinced that when Cliff sees how much fun it is for us to blog, he'll blog. I don't know how often we'll blog or how interesting it will be when we do blog, but we're gonna blog. Now, let me finish this blog and send it to Cliff to see how much he hates the blogging.
By the way, Friday night it snowed. This was the first snow like this in December since 2000!

all i have to say is you would.. let me know how it goes and we (i) may start blogging also. 1. your yard looks pretty 2. how do you have so many presents under the tree already? 3. joneses is a funny word.
Whatever do you mean by "I would"? And YOU DEFINITELY SHOULD BLOG! 1. Thanks. 2. I am done with my shopping 3. Yeah, I know.
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